All our pigs live freely on our farms in the Sierra de Huelva.

own production

From the raising of the pigs until the product reaches your table, many months have passed in which we have monitored and taken care of each of the factors that make possible that unique product of which we feel so proud.

from the drying room to home

We take care of our products in our warehouse until the moment of shipment, avoiding incorrect manipulations and storage.

Direct and with the best price

Directly from the factory and without intermediaries. It is not necessary to store the product, so you will not need to invest time or logistics when preparing your gifts.

Maximum quality and service

We do the entire process thinking about your satisfaction. From the raising of the pigs until the product reaches your table, many months have passed in which we have monitored and taken care of each of the factors that make possible that unique product of which we feel so proud.

Unique and personalized presentation

“There is never a second chance to make a good first impression,” and that is why we were pioneers in giving our product the importance it deserves with a presentation to match. Attractive hand-lined boxes, custom assortments and the possibility of adding a card with the text you want, make your gift unique.

  • Hello, I am Maximiliano and what follows are just words. The important thing, don't forget, is the ham.

    Before you continue reading, I would like you to know that here we are not going to sell you the most awarded, the most expensive ham or the best in the world.

    We don't do that.

    We also don't have stores throughout Spain, we don't sell in large stores, in gourmet corners. "and much less in distributors who resell the product by increasing the price.

    We respect it, but we don't do it.

  • If this is what you expect to find in our store, it is best to stop reading right here. Neither my team nor I want to waste your time.

    We understand that our artisan hams are not for everyone.

    What we do is something much simpler...< /p>

    You know, there are many good things when it comes to enjoying a ham, although one of them is what I consider really important, but before I tell you which one, let me tell you a little about our history.

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