All our pigs live freely on our farms in the Sierra de Huelva. A unique and ideal place to obtain the best pigs.


    From the raising of the pigs until the product reaches your table, many months have passed in which we have monitored and taken care of each of the factors that make possible that unique product of which we feel so proud.


    We take care of our products in our warehouse until the moment of shipment, avoiding incorrect manipulations and storage.


    Directly from the factory and without intermediaries. It is not necessary to store the product, so you will not need to invest time or logistics when preparing your gifts.

  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

    No questions asked

  • At home in 24 hours.

    Free shipping

  • Personalized attention

    Free telephone number

  • Premium presentation

    Ideal as a gift

  • 100% Personalization

    Type of cut and healing


It's very simple. It is the system we use to rate the quality of our pieces depending on the vintage.

We voluntarily do not use terms such as pure acorn-fed Iberian or country bait. Nor percentages of breed in our hams and shoulders.

Our maxim has always been to make the best possible ham for our Client.

The flavor, the quality and the good and close attention have always been above standards and norms. As I said before, our artisan hams may not be for everyone.

You can try one of our hams and assess for yourself whether our Signature ham or shoulder is of the highest quality. If not, my commitment is to return every euro you have paid us.


It is the ham that will make some and all happy. others. With a perfect quality-price ratio. Coming from purebred pigs that have been raised roaming freely in the pastures. With a careful natural cure of more than 24 months that gives it that right, delicate and subtle touch for all tastes.

Perfect to consume daily with the family.


For lovers of strong emotions. With a prolonged natural curing that gives it a deep and intense flavor. Like the free and pure nature in which the animals from which these few pieces come have been raised.


The It is nothing more than acorn-fed Iberian ham. Blessed by the most demanding. Deserving of all the seals and recognitions there have been and to have been.

A luxury that must be indulged at least once in a lifetime.

If you want to know more about our Triple and Double X . Click here.

In less than 24 hours you have it at your house. It doesn't matter if it's at your usual home or on the beach. We reach everywhere. Monday to Friday.

From the moment you receive it, you have 6 to 9 months to enjoy it. We slice the product and vacuum pack it right away. This way it does not lose flavor or aroma.

Maintaining its color and texture as if it were freshly cut.

If you want to do a test, you can configure an assortment when cut, from €50 you can try our products.

As much as you need and as much time as you need to try and consume it. There is no time limit to return a ham.

My team will be in charge of collecting the piece or slice that is not to your liking, you don't have to take care of anything. You don't have to pay anything either.

We don't want any dissatisfied customers, and we comply without exception.

This is real and you can check it whenever you want

You receive the answer to that question along with the piece. Each ham and shoulder has a little book where its vintage and recommendations for enjoying it are written. It also has the "personal assistant" service.

I would be lying to you if I told you it was the same. It is clear that freshly cut is not the same as vacuum packed.

But what is true is that over time we have greatly improved the processes and every day it becomes more similar. In fact now we maintain the flavor and aroma really well. We use a thermoforming machine that cuts the ham and in seconds the slices are vacuum-packed. The vacuum keeps the product perfect.

What customers tell me is that opening and enjoying the envelope is much more comfortable than having the piece at home. It seems that they value convenience more than the experience of cutting.